Avengers Endgame Box Set

Black Bow with Notch
Black Arrow (x2)
Ant-Man Helmet
Scott Lang Head
Scott Lang Hairpiece
Nebula Head
Clint Barton Head
Thor Hairpiece
Thor Hairpiece
War Machine Helmet
Basic Hand - Gray and Red
Basic Hand - Gray and Red with Emblem
Takeoff Blast Base (Double)
Basic Foot- Gray/Red (x2)
Base with Large Peg (34mm) - Clear (x4)
Package Text:
The fourth installment in the Avengers saga will be the culmination of 22 interconnected films and will draw audiences to witness the turning point of this epic journey. Our beloved heroes will truly understand how fragile this reality is, and the sacrifices that must be made to uphold it. It is a story of friendship, team work and setting aside our differences to overcome an immense obstacle.
Series:  Marvel Minimates - Other Box Sets

Release Date:  April 23, 2019

UPC:  699788834497

Statistical Chart